Current University Policies Listed Chronologically by Policy Number


Policy No [pdf] Subject [pdf] Supersedes or Amends [pdf]

F24-7 [pdf]

Statement of Faculty Professional 

Rescinds S99-8 [pdf]

F24-6 [pdf]

Statement of Academic Freedom
and Establishing the Academic Freedom Committee

Rescinds S99-8 [pdf]

F24-5 [pdf]

Amendments to the Bylaws of the
Academic Senate of San José State University

Amends Senate Bylaws

F24-4 [pdf]

Amendments to the Constitution of
the Academic Senate of San José State University

Amends Senate Constitution

F24-3 [pdf]

Organization of the 
Academic Planning Process at San José State 


Academic Planning Guidelines [pdf]

Rescinds: S17-11 [pdf] and S75-14 [pdf]

F24-2 [pdf]

Board of Professional Responsibility 

Rescinds S99-9 [pdf]

F24-1 [pdf]

Adoption of Guidelines for General
Education (GE), American Institutions (AI), and Writing in the

Disciplines (WID)


GE Guidelines 2024  [pdf]

Rescinds S22-5 [pdf]

S24-2 [pdf]

Student Advising and Holistic Student

Support Services 

Rescinds S89-10 [pdf]

S24-1 [pdf]

Credit for Prior Learning

Rescinds University Policies F15-5 [pdf], F15-11 [pdf], F73-8 [pdf], F83-5 [pdf]

S23-1 [pdf] Guidelines for Experimental Courses: 96/196/296/596, Also Amendment A to University Policy S67-2 Guidelines for Individual Studies (180) and Special Studies (196)

Rescinds University Policies F67-11 [pdf] and F68-24 [pdf]

Amends University Policy S67-2 [pdf].

S22-6 [pdf] Adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses; the “W” symbol; and refunds related to withdrawals

Rescinds University Policies S05-12 [pdf], and F04-2, [pdf] Amendment A to University Policy F15-3 [pdf]

S22-4 [pdf] Emergency Short Term Loans for Students Rescinds S72-22 [pdf]
S22-3 [pdf] Accessibility in Curricular Materials Rescinds S08-3 [pdf]
S22-2 [pdf] Student Excused Absences Amendment A [pdf]
S22-1 [pdf] Establishment, Reporting, Continuation and Termination of Campus Centers and Institutes (CCI), Formerly Known as Organized Research and Training Units Rescinds S05-13 [pdf]
S21-3 [pdf] Rescinds University Policy S68-18, Special Major Rescinds S68-18 [pdf]
S21-2 [pdf] Appointment, Evaluation and Range Elevation for Lecturer Faculty Rescinds S10-7 [pdf]
F20-2 [pdf] Grading Changes During COVID-19 Amendment A to F20-2 [pdf]
F20-1 [pdf] Adding Classes After Advance Registration

Amendment A to F20-1 [pdf]

Amendment B to F20-1 [pdf]

Rescinds S93-7

S20-9 [pdf] Instructor Drop Policy  
S20-8 [pdf] Rescinding Policies related to Senate
Rescinds F05-1 [pdf], S06-2 [pdf], F06-6 [pdf], S07-5 [pdf],
F07-1 [pdf], S08-5 [pdf], and F08-3 [pdf]
S20-7 [pdf] Temporary Modification to University Policies F18-5, Grading Policy, and S16-16, Probation and Disqualification due to Special Circumstances of COVID-19 Temporarily Amends F18-5 and S16-16
S20-6 [pdf]

Rescinds University Policies F70-12, F70-13, and S73-21

Registration Privileges and Procedures, Registration Privileges for EOP Students, Registration

Rescinds F70-12 [pdf], F70-13 [pdf], and S73-21 [pdf]
S20-5 [pdf] Administrative Reorganization of Selected Agencies Rescinds S74-1 [pdf]
S20-4 [pdf] Optional Exclusion of Student Opinion of Teaching Effectiveness Surveys (SOTEs) Administered During Spring 2020  
S20-3 [pdf] Graduate Credit Earned by 菠菜网lol正规平台
Undergraduate Students
Rescinds S89-2 [pdf]
S20-2 [pdf] Students' Rights to Timely Feedback on Class Assignment Rescinds and replaces F13-1 [pdf]
S20-1 [pdf] English Language Proficiency Requirement for 菠菜网lol正规平台 Applicants Rescinds and replaces F75-6 [pdf]
F19-4 [pdf] Updating and Changing Titles Associated with Faculty Affairs  
F19-3 [pdf] University Governance Awards for Students; Student Service Rescinds S97-4 [pdf]
F19-2 [pdf] Rescinds University Policy F85-8, Performance Evaluation Procedures for Unit 4, Academic Support Rescinds University Policy F85-8 [pdf]
F19-1 [pdf] Combined Bachelor's and Master's Programs  
S19-7 [pdf] Credit Hours and Maximum Unit Load during Summer and Intersession Rescinds S75-12 [pdf]
S19-3 [pdf]

University Writing:  Writing Requirements/ Guidelines, University Writing Committee

Rescinds S94-7 [pdf], S95-5 [pdf], /F15-6 [pdf]

Amendment A to S19-3 [pdf]

Amendment B to S19-3 [pdf]

Amendment C to S19-3 [pdf]

S19-2 [pdf] Charge and Membership of University Committees To be fully implemented by Fall 2020
S19-1 [pdf] Rescinds Campus Smoking Policies Rescinds S03-6 [pdf] and S93-11 [pdf]
F18-5 [pdf] University Grading System Policy Amendment A to F18-5 [pdf], Temporarily amended by S20-7 [pdf], Rescinds S73-23 [pdf]S73-24 [pdf], S83-15 [pdf], F88-6 [pdf], S99-6 [pdf], S10-2 [pdf], and S11-5 [pdf]
F18-3 [pdf] Charge and Membership of the Institutional Review Board 

Amendment A [pdf],

Also Amendment B to F17-1 [pdf]

F18-2 [pdf] Admission of Disqualified Students to Extension Courses Rescinds S73-10 [pdf]
F18-1 [pdf] Metropolitan University Scholars Experience (MUSE) New Student Seminar Program in Core General Education Rescinds S02-6 [pdf]
S18-15 [pdf] Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Committee (ADAPC)

Amendment A to S18-15 [pdf],

Amendment B to S18-15, [pdf]

Rescinds S01-2 [pdf]and F01-1 [pdf]

S18-14 [pdf] Department or School Name Change Note:  When a Name Change is proposed due to merging, dividing, or transferring academic units, use this policy in conjunction with S13-9 [pdf]
S18-13 [pdf]

Rescinds F97-4, Educational Equity Advisory Board

Rescinds F97-4 [pdf]

S18-11 [pdf]

Rescinds S09-5, Priority Registration

Rescinds S09-5 [pdf]

S18-10 [pdf]

Resource Analysis Required for Curricular Proposals

Rescinds S80-9 [pdf]

S18-9 [pdf]

Rescinds F83-10, Entry-Level Mathematics (ELM) Examination; Sanctions; Probation

Rescinds F83-10 [pdf]

S18-8 [pdf]

Rescinds S66-11, College Reports to Selective Service Boards

Rescinds S66-11 [pdf]

S18-7 [pdf]

Rescinds F71-14, Acting Appointments: Vice Presidents or Deans

Rescinds F71-14 [pdf]

S18-6 [pdf] Rescinds S90-13, At-Large Committee Appointments

Rescinds S90-13 [pdf]

S18-5 [pdf] Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity:  Advisor-Student Relationship, Sponsored Projects, and Proprietary and Confidential Information in RSCA

Amendment A to S18-5 [pdf],

Rescinds S94-8 [pdf]

S18-3 [pdf] Rescinds F88-5, Continuing Education Committee

Rescinds F88-5 [pdf]

S18-2 [pdf] Rescinds F72-1, Athletics Board Composition

Rescinds F72-1 [pdf]

S18-1 [pdf] Rescinds S88-5 and F02-2 Old SOTE and SOLATE Instruments

Rescinds S88-5 [pdf], and F02-2 [pdf]

F17-4 [pdf] Priority Registration

Amendment A to F17-4 [pdf]

Amendment B to F17-4 [pdf]

Rescinds F14-1 [pdf]

F17-3 [pdf] Selection and Review of Department Chairs and Directors

Amendment A, [pdf]

Rescinds S14-8 [pdf]

F17-2 [pdf] Conditional Admissions

Rescinds S88-7 [pdf]

F17-1 [pdf] Protection of Human Research Subjects

Amendment A,    [pdf]Amendment B, [pdf]

Amendment C [pdf],

Amendment D [pdf]

(Amendment C superseded S21-1 [pdf])

Temporarily amended by S21-1 [pdf], Rescinds and replaces S08-7, [pdf] rescinds F08-1, rescinds F90-4 [pdf]

S17-13 [pdf] UG Student Honors at 菠菜网lol正规平台

Amendment A to S17-13 [pdf]

Amendment B to S17-13 [pdf]

Rescinds F96-5 [pdf]

S17-12 [pdf] 菠菜网lol正规平台 Graduate and Undergraduate University Learning Goals

Rescinds and replaces S13-2 [pdf]

S17-7 [pdf] Graduate Course Revalidation  
S17-6 [pdf] Departmental Voting Rights

Amendment A [pdf]

Rescinds and replaces F66-6 [pdf], F02-4 [pdf], S98-2 [pdf], F07-5 [pdf]

S17-5 [pdf] Required Enrollment for Culminating Graduate Students

Rescinds and replaces F11-2 [pdf]

S17-4 [pdf] Change in Membership, Charge, and Category for the Student Success Committee

Amendment A to S17-4 [pdf], Rescinds and replaces S11-6 [pdf]

S17-3 [pdf] Rescinds S82-10 [pdf]and F86-7 [pdf]  Pertaining to Technology-Related Advisory Boards

Rescinds S82-10 [pdf] and F86-7 [pdf]

S17-2 [pdf] Adopting New SOTE and SOLATE Instruments  
S17-1 [pdf] Final Examinations, or Culminating Activities Policy

Replaces S06-4 [pdf]

Amendment A [pdf]

F16-6 [pdf] Modification of Senate Bylaw 4.1 Pertaining to Senate Executive Committee Membership

Amends Senate Bylaw 4.1 [pdf]

Rescinded S99-1 [pdf]

F16-5 [pdf] Modification of the Senate Constitution Related to Membership

Amends Senate Constitution, Article II, Section 2 [pdf]

F16-4 [pdf] Concurrent Membership on Operating and Policy Committees

Amends Senate Bylaw 6.11 [pdf]

F16-3 [pdf] Modification of Senate Bylaw 15c Pertaining to Editorial Changes in Policies and Senate Management Resolutions

Amends Senate Bylaw 15, section c [pdf]

F16-2 [pdf] Modification of Senate Bylaw 6.13:  Conversion of College Seats to At-Large Seats

Amends Senate Bylaw 6.13 [pdf]

S16-17 [pdf] Academic Certificate Programs: Review and Approval Process

Rescinds S12-5 [pdf]and S13-10, [pdf]

Amendment A to S16-17 [pdf]

S16-16 [pdf] Probation and Disqualification

Amendment E to S16-16 [pdf]

Temporary Amendment D to S16-16 [pdf], Temporarily amended by S20-7 [pdf] (Amendment C to S16-16), Amendment B to S16-16 (SM-F19-1)  [pdf]supersedes membership and charge of ADRRC in S19-2 (Amendment A to S16-16 [pdf], Rescinds S10-6 [pdf], S11-1 [pdf], and S15-5 [pdf]

S16-15 [pdf] Student Rights and Responsibilities

Rescinds S90-5 [pdf] and S98-6 [pdf]

S16-14 [pdf] Internships, Service Learning, and Off-Campus Learning Experiences  
S16-13 [pdf] Rescinds S02-8--Information Technology Resources Responsible Use Policy

Rescinds S02-8 [pdf]

S16-12 [pdf] Restoring Options for Students with Quantitative Reasoning Disabilities Affecting Math Skills  
S16-11 [pdf] Committee Obligations and Senate Membership, Modification of Bylaw 6

Amends Senate Bylaw 6 [pdf]

S16-10 [pdf] Special Agencies, Modification of Bylaw 10

Amends Senate Bylaw [pdf] 10

S16-9 [pdf] Course Syllabi

Amendment A to S16-9 [pdf], Rescinds F06-2 [pdf] and S12-3 [pdf]

S16-8 [pdf] Selection and Review of Administrators

Amended by

Amendment A to S16-8 [pdf],

Amendment B to S16-8 [pdf],

Rescinds F10-5 [pdf] and S06-3 [pdf], S16-8 (Original with no amendments) [pdf]

S16-7 [pdf] Expansion of Senate Bylaw 15 - Updating Senate Documents

Amends Senate Bylaw 15 [pdf]

S16-6 [pdf] Committee Obligations and Senate Membership 

Amends S09-3 [pdf]--Amends Senate Bylaw 1.6.2 [pdf]

Rescinds S99-1 [pdf] although not specified in S16-6 [pdf]

S16-5 [pdf] Accreditation Review Committee

Amendment B to S16-5 [pdf]

Amendment A to S16-5 (S19-2)  [pdf]

S16-4 [pdf] Minimum Criteria for Undergraduate Minors

Rescinds S75-4 [pdf]

S16-3 [pdf] 菠菜网lol正规平台 Strategic Planning Policy

Amendment A to S16-3 (S19-2 [pdf]), Rescinds S09-6 [pdf] and SM-S12-2 [pdf]

S16-1 [pdf] Faculty Athletics Representative 

S16-1, Amendment A [pdf]

S16-1, Amendment B [pdf]

Rescinds F05-2 [pdf]

F15-13 [pdf] Updating the General Education Advisory Committee (Formerly known as the Board of General Studies) Membership, Charge, Responsibilities Amendment A to F15-13 (S19-2) [pdf], Amendment B [pdf], Rescinds S02-7 [pdf] and S96-9 [pdf]
F15-12 [pdf] Attendance and Participation Rescinds F69-24 [pdf]
F15-10 [pdf] Dissolving the Heritage, Preservation and Public History Committee

Rescinds SM-S09-1 [pdf] and S05-5 [pdf], also Amendment A to S08-4 [pdf]

F15-9 [pdf] Budget Advisory Committee

Rescinds SM-S03-1 [pdf], Amends S09-6 [pdf], Amends Bylaw 10.1, Amended by SM-S11-1 [pdf] (Amendment A) and SM-F17-3 [pdf] (Amendment B),  S19-2 [pdf] (Amendment C), Amendment D to F15-9 [pdf]

F15-7 [pdf] Academic Integrity Rescinds S07-2 [pdf]
F15-3 [pdf] Establishing a Committed Presence in a Class

Amendment A to F15-3 [pdf],

Amends S05-12 [pdf]

S15-10 [pdf] Revisions to 菠菜网lol正规平台 Library Policy

Supersedes S03-5 [pdf], S04-9 [pdf], and S06-5 [pdf]

Amendment A to S15-10 [pdf]

Amendment B to S15-10 (S19-2 [pdf])

Amendment C to S15-10 [pdf]

Amendment D to S15-10 [pdf]

Amendment E to S-15-10 [pdf]

S15-9 [pdf] Scheduling of Thanksgiving Holiday  
S15-8 [pdf] Retention, Tenure, and Promotion for Regular Faculty Employees:  Criteria and Standards

Amendment J to S15-8 [pdf]

Amendment I to S15-8 [pdf]

Amendment H to S15-8 [pdf]

Amendment G to S15-8 [pdf]

Amendment F to S15-8 [pdf]

Amendment E to S15-8 [pdf]

Amendment D to S15-8 [pdf]

Amendment C to S15-8 [pdf]Amendment B to S15-8 [pdf]Amendment A to S15-8 [pdf], Rescinds S98-8 [pdf] over a 4 year phase out period.

S15-7 [pdf] Retention, Tenure, and Promotion for Regular Faculty Employees:  Procedures

S15-7, Amendment A [pdf]

S15-7, Amendment B [pdf]

S15-7, Amendment C [pdf]

S15-7, Amendment D [pdf]

S15-7, Amendment E [pdf]

S15-7, Amendment F [pdf]

S15-7, Amendment G [pdf]

S15-7, Amendment H [pdf]

S15-7, [pdf]Amendment I [pdf]

S15-7, Amendment J [pdf]

S15-7, Amendment K [pdf]

S15-7, Amendment L [pdf]

S15-7, Amendment M [pdf]

S15-7, Amendment N [pdf]

Amends S98-8 [pdf]


S15-6 [pdf] Appointment of Regular Faculty Employees

S15-6, Amendment A [pdf]

S15-6, Amendment B [pdf]

S15-6, Amendment C [pdf]

S15-6, Amendment D [pdf]

Amends S98-8 [pdf]

S15-3 [pdf] Leaves of Absence for Students

Amendment B to S15-3, [pdf]

Amendment A to S15-3 [pdf], Rescinds S88-1 [pdf] and S93-1 [pdf]

S15-2 [pdf] Sound Level at Campus Events  Rescinds S12-8 [pdf]
S15-1 [pdf] Allocation of Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students -- As per the CFA/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement 2014-2017 S15-1, Amendment A  [pdf]
F14-2 [pdf] Emeriti Faculty

Amendment A to F14-2 [pdf],

Rescinds F92-6 [pdf] and F96-7 [pdf]

S14-11 [pdf] Physical Education Requirement Amends S13-3 [pdf], Rescinds S73-5 [pdf] and F96-12 [pdf]
S14-10 [pdf] Master's Committee Structure and Processes and Thesis Embargoes Rescinds S87-6 [pdf], Amends S94-8 [pdf]
S14-9 [pdf] Guidelines for Concentrations

Amendment A to S14-9  [pdf]

Original S14-9 with no amendments [pdf]

S14-7 [pdf] Accommodation to Students' Religious Holidays Rescinds F68-8 [pdf]
S14-6 [pdf] Policy and Assurance for Humane Care and Use of Animals at San Jose State University

Amendment A to S14-6 [pdf](Supersedes S21-1) [pdf] Temporarily amended by S21-1 [pdf], Rescinds F06-4 [pdf]

Amendment B to S14-6 [pdf]

S14-4 [pdf] Naming of Campus Facilities and properties; And Colleges, Schools, and other Academic Entities at San Jose State University Rescinds S00-3 [pdf], S00-4 [pdf], and S07-1 [pdf]
S14-3 [pdf] Student Fairness Dispute Resolution, see also EO 792 [pdf]

Amendment A to S14-3 (S19-2) [pdf]

Amendment B to S14-3 [pdf]

Replaces S07-6 [pdf]

F13-2 [pdf] Technology Intensive, Hybrid and Online Courses and Programs

F13-2, Amendment A [pdf]

Replaces S01-10 [pdf] and S97-6 [pdf]

S13-9 [pdf] Merging, Dividing, Transferring, Eliminating Academic Units Amendment A to S13-9 [pdf] (rescinds S06-7),  S13-9 Amended S06-7 [pdf]
S13-8 [pdf] Residency Requirements for Masters Degrees Replaces F91-3 [pdf]
S13-6 [pdf] Campus Faculty Awards and Nominations for System Faculty Awards

Amendment C to S13-6, [pdf]

Amendment B to S13-6 (S19-2) [pdf]

Amendment A to S13-6 [pdf]

Replaces S00-9 [pdf] and S05-1 [pdf]

S13-3 [pdf] Temporary Accommodation for Degree Programs Reducing to 120 Units  Amended by S14-11 [pdf]
F12-7 [pdf] Enrollment Priorities for Former Students Returning (FSRs)  
F12-6 [pdf] Evaluation in Effectiveness in Teaching for All Faculty  Amendment A to F12-6 (S13-5) [pdf], Amendment B to F12-6 (S14-1) [pdf], Amendment C to F12-6 [pdf], Amendment D to F12-6 [pdf], Replaces S91-9 [pdf], S06-6 [pdf], F83-2 [pdf], S08-1, [pdf] S83-12 [pdf], S08-6 [pdf], S89-6 [pdf], S73-8 [pdf], F12-1 [pdf]
F12-5 [pdf] Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct

Amendment A to F12-5 [pdf], (Supersedes S21-1) [pdf]

Temporarily amended by S21-1 [pdf], Replaces S99-10 [pdf]

F12-4 [pdf] Omnibus Recision of Lapsed and Obsolete Policies Previously Recommended by the Professional Standards Committee Rescinds S66-16 [pdf], S66-17 [pdf], S66-18 [pdf], S66-19 [pdf], S68-10 [pdf], S71-2 [pdf], S71-3 [pdf], S71-4 [pdf], F72-5 [pdf], S73-2 [pdf], S73-3 [pdf], S73-18 [pdf], S73-22 [pdf], S73-26 [pdf], S74-17 [pdf], S88-3 [pdf]
F12-3 [pdf] Amending the Period of Review, S98-8, Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Criteria, Standards and Procedures for Regular Faculty Employees Amends S98-8 [pdf]
S12-7 [pdf] Consent for Recording of Class and Public Sharing of Instructor Material Amends F06-2 [pdf]
S12-6 [pdf] Advertising Campus Events: Flyers, Banners, Chalking, etc. See also PD-2001-1 [pdf]
S12-4 [pdf] Appropriate Content for Material Containing 菠菜网lol正规平台 Logo or Name See also PD-2008-1
S12-2 [pdf] Faculty Personnel Records: Confidentiality; Access Amendment A to S12-2 [pdf]Rescinds S73-19 [pdf]
S12-1 [pdf] Faculty Office Hours

Amendment A to S12-1 [pdf]

Replaces S68-6 [pdf]

F11-4 [pdf] Frosh Housing Requirement at San Jose State University  
S11-2 [pdf] Extension of Prime Time Scheduling Period Amends F98-4 [pdf]
F10-1 [pdf] The Use and Abuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs Rescinds S02-5 [pdf]
S10-5 [pdf] Creation of a University Sustainability Board

Amendment B to S10-5  [pdf] Note:  The charge and membership in Amendment A are superseded by Amendment B.

Amendment A to S10-5 (S19-2) [pdf]

S10-4 [pdf] Guiding Principles for Enrollment Management  
S10-3 [pdf] Inappropriate Sexual Behavior Policy  
S10-1 [pdf] Merger of Affirmative Action and Faculty Diversity Committees

Amendment A to S10-1 (S19-2) [pdf]

Rescinds S89-15 [pdf]

F09-2 [pdf] Policy on Late and Retroactive Enrollment  
S09-7 [pdf] Grading Symbols, Drop and Withdrawal; Retroactive Drop and Retroactive Withdrawal; Assignment of Grades and Grade Appeals; Change of Grade; and Integrity of the Academic Record

Amendment A  to S09-7 (F10-3) [pdf],

Amendment B to S09-7 (S11-5) [pdf]

Amendment C to S09-7 [pdf]

rescinded S73-14 [pdf], S73-15 [pdf], S73-16 [pdf], S73-28 [pdf], and amended S07-6 [pdf]

S09-4 [pdf] First-Year Experience Courses Rescinds S04-2 [pdf]
S09-3 [pdf] Senate Elections Amended by S16-6 [pdf], Amends bylaws 1.5 and 1.6
S09-1 [pdf] Department/Colleges Record Keeping  
F08-5 [pdf] New Senate Bylaw 16 Adds a new bylaw
F08-4 [pdf] Sabbatical Leaves Policy

Amendment B to University Policy F08-4 [pdf], Amendment A to University Policy F08-4 [pdf], Rescinds S96-7 [pdf]

F08-2 [pdf] Repetition of Courses; Academic Renewal Amendment A to F08-2 [pdf], Amends S04-2 [pdf] Rescinds F78-3 [pdf], S94-4 [pdf], S00-10 [pdf], andF94-5 [pdf]
S08-4 [pdf] Campus Planning Board

Replaces S91-7 [pdf], Rescinds F93-1, [pdf] S96-5 [pdf], and S06-9 [pdf],


Amended by F15-10 [pdf] (Amendment A to S08-4)


S19-2 [pdf](Amendment B to S08-4)

(Amendment C to S08-4) [pdf]

(Amendment D to S08-4) [pdf]

F07-3 [pdf] Access to Instructional Materials: Timely Identification of Textbooks, Course Readers and Library Reserves  
F07-2 [pdf] Athletics Policy

Amendment A [pdf] (originally S08-2), Amendment B [pdf], (originally S13-7)

Note:  Amendment B made obsolete by Amendment D 

Amendment C [pdf], Amendment D (S19-2) [pdf]

Rescinds F79-4 [pdf], F83-4 [pdf], F87-7 [pdf] 

S07-4 [pdf] Dissolution of the Assessment Committee Rescinds S01-4 [pdf]
S06-8 [pdf] By-Law 10.3a Amendment—Special Agencies—Nomination of Faculty at Large Amends By-Law 10.3a
S06-1 [pdf] The Don and Sally Lucas Graduate School of Business  
S05-9 [pdf] Revision to F01-3 and Approval of Teaching Associate Fee Waiver Program Report—TA Fee Waiver Report (pdf) [pdf] modifies F01-3 [pdf]
S05-4 [pdf] Academic Qualifications for Student Office Holders  
S05-2 [pdf] Dissolution of the University Information Technology Board Rescinds S01-7 [pdf]
F04-1 [pdf] Student Opinion Teaching Evaluation (SOTE) and Student Opinion Laboratory Teaching Evaluation (SOLATE) Interpretation Guides—SOTE Interpretation Guide (pdf) [pdf] Replaces S98-4 [pdf] and S89-4 [pdf]
S04-4 [pdf] Student EEO—Student Employee Guidelines (pdf) [pdf] Rescinds S78-10 [pdf]
S04-3 [pdf] Substantive Change Policy  
F03-3 [pdf] Principles and Strategies to be Observed and Utilized during Times of Budget Cuts  
F03-2 [pdf] Naming of the Associated Students House  
S03-8 [pdf] Resolution to Name the Area Adjacent to the new Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, the Robert L. Caret Plaza  
S03-4 [pdf] Number of Faculty Reps to the Advisory Committee to the Trustees Committee for the selection of the President Modifies S95-8 [pdf] and S94-1 [pdf]
S03-1 [pdf] Library Resources for New Academic Programs  
S02-3 [pdf] Policies and Procedures for Designating Service-Learning Courses  
F01-3 [pdf] Teaching Associate Fee Waivers modified by S05-9 [pdf]
S01-13 [pdf] Commitment to a Campus Climate that Values Diversity & Equal Opportunity Replaces S91-1 [pdf] and F67-9 [pdf]; Modifies S89-15 [pdf]; Repeals S69-2 [pdf] and S69-3 [pdf]
S01-9 [pdf] Abolishment of the Lottery Committee Amends S95-7 [pdf]
S01-5 [pdf] 120 Unit Requirement for the Baccalaureate  
S01-3 [pdf] Naming of the Koret Athletic Training Center  
S00-7 [pdf] The Employment of Teaching Associates and Graduate Assistants Modifies S99-2 [pdf]
S00-6 [pdf] Course Offering and Enrollment Standards Replaces Senate Policies F66-3 [pdf] and F66-4 [pdf]
S00-5 [pdf] Abolish CIO Advisory Board Repeal University Policy S98-9 [pdf]
S00-2 [pdf] Implementation of Faculty Merit Increase (FMI) and Service Salary Step Increase (SSI) Programs for unit 3 Faculty Employees replaces F99-1 [pdf]
S00-1 [pdf] Naming of the Joint Library Building  
F99-7 [pdf] GE Policy related to LLD 98/99  
F99-3 [pdf] Honoring Howard & Laura Blethen and Naming the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Practice Field Blethen Field  
F99-2 [pdf] Constitutional Amendment to Article II, SEction 6  
S99-11 [pdf] Conflict of Interests Policy for Principal Investigators (Note: originally created as S95-9 then added as an appendix to S93-12, then removed to stand as its own policy.)  
S99-4 [pdf] Degree Termination Replaced S79-12 [pdf], F79-3 [pdf], F79-2 [pdf], F83-3 [pdf]
S99-2 [pdf] The Employment of Teaching Associates and Graduate Assistants Modification to S98-10 [pdf], modified by S00-7 [pdf]
F98-4 [pdf] Class Scheduling Amended by S11-2 [pdf], Replaced S87-1 [pdf]
F98-3 [pdf] Intellectual/Creative Property Replaces F92-3 [pdf], S92-13 [pdf], F91-5 [pdf]
S98-12 [pdf] Guidelines for the Evaluation of the Performance in Assignment of Tenured Librarians Rescinds S90-12 [pdf] and clarifies S97-5 [pdf]
S98-10 [pdf] The Employment of Teaching Associates and Graduate Assistants Modified by S99-2 [pdf]
F97-7 [pdf] Privacy of Electronic Information and Communications  
F97-2 [pdf] Naming the "The James F. Boccardo Business Education Center."  
F97-1 [pdf] Naming"The Alan B. Simpkins Intercollegiate Athletics Administration Building."  
S97-10 [pdf] Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities  
S97-5 [pdf] Post Tenure Review Clarified by S98-12 [pdf]
F96-10 [pdf] Renaming SPXW 986  
F96-9 [pdf] Renaming I/C AS 985  
F96-8 [pdf] Duties of Senate Officers Amends S72-1 [pdf], S74-16 [pdf], and S83-11 [pdf]
F96-6 [pdf] Election of Senate Officers; Option of Second Term for Senate Chair amended by F97-9 [pdf], amends F72-7 [pdf], F74-2 [pdf], and S83-11 [pdf]
F96-3 [pdf] Constitutional Amendments: Student Representation on Senate; Eligibility to become Senate Officers amended by F99-2  [pdf]
F96-1 [pdf] Amend By Laws/Standing Rules Amends S96-6 [pdf]; S92-8 [pdf], BL 3.1, 5.8, 5.12-B, C and 7.1; SR 11 and 17
S96-11 [pdf] Fair Use of Copyrighted Materials; Intellectual Property  
S96-8 [pdf] Difference in Pay Leaves Policy See also S96-7 [pdf] Sabbatical Policy  
S96-3 [pdf] Student Fee Itemization on Bills  
S96-2 [pdf] Direct Instruction Obligations; Ethics; Meeting Classes Amendment A to S96-2 [pdf], Replaced S92-5 [pdf]
S95-8 [pdf] Selection of Faculty Representatives for Advisory Committee to the Trustee Committee for the Selection of the President Modified by S03-4 [pdf]
S95-4 [pdf] Student Fees Reporting Supplemented by S96-3 [pdf]
F94-3 [pdf] ARTP for Librarians Rescinds F89-4 [pdf], Supplemented by S94-6 [pdf]
F94-1 [pdf] Disassociation of San Jose State University with the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC and AFROTC) Programs; Discrimination, Equal Opportunity, Academic Freedom  
S94-1 [pdf] Selection of Faculty Representatives for Advisory Committee to the Trustees Committee for the Selection of the President Amended by S95-8 [pdf] and modified by S03-4 [pdf]
S93-14 [pdf] Curricular Priorities; Academic Priorities Supersedes S79-2 [pdf]
S93-9 [pdf] Recognition of Retired Support Staff/Administrator  
S93-5 [pdf] Enrollment Verification Procedures; Drop Period; Census Date Replaced F87-5 [pdf]
F92-5 [pdf] Change of Title "Department" to "School"; Director Replaced S92-9 [pdf]
F92-1 [pdf] Enrollment Advisory Committee (Note: merged with the Student Success Committee see SM-S01-3 [pdf])  
S92-12 [pdf] Statement on Academic Freedom and Artistic Expression  
S92-11 [pdf] Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Committee Amends S89-9 [pdf]
S92-3 [pdf] Appointment and Evaluation Policy for Library Faculty w/Temporary Appointments Replaces S90-6 [pdf]
S92-2 [pdf] Organization and Powers of Colleges replaces S67-22 [pdf]
S90-10 [pdf] Educational Equity  
F89-3 [pdf] Required Graduate Bibliographic Instruction  
F88-11 [pdf] International Programs Amended by F90-5 [pdf] (renamed Amendment A to F88-11), and S19-2 [pdf] (Amendment B to F88-11)
F88-9 [pdf] BA/BS Differentiation and Definition  Amendment A [pdf]
S87-10 [pdf] Exceptional(Special) Admission Reports  
S86-5 [pdf] Guidelines for Temporary and Permanent Reassignment of Regular Faculty from Departments of Original Appointment Replaced S79-13 [pdf] and S80-19 [pdf]
S86-1 [pdf] Procedures for Nomination of Faculty Trustee Candidates Replaced F82-4 [pdf]
F85-1 [pdf] Time Limit on Graduation Requirements  
S85-4 [pdf] Criteria for Upper Division Courses  
F84-2 [pdf] Matriculated Students Registering in Open University  
S83-5 [pdf] Senate Election Challenge Policy  
F81-7 [pdf] Appointment Procedures for Grant-Related Instructional Faculty of Exceptional Merit Amendment A  [pdf]
F81-4 [pdf] Faculty Attendance at Annual Commencement  
S81-16 [pdf] Special Session Salaries  
S81-11 [pdf] University Requirement: Oral Communication  
F80-8 [pdf] Financial Impact Report Required for Recommended Policies  
S79-7 [pdf] Advisor's Signature Requirement on Registration Forms  
S79-4 [pdf] Campus Policy on Student Field Experiences During Strikes  
S78-7 [pdf] Student Evaluation Review Board (SERB)

Amended by F78-2 (Amendment A), S79-6 (Amendment B), F80-7 (Amendment C),


(Amendment D),

F87-2 (Amendment E), 

S87-9 [pdf] (Amendment F), 

(Note:  F78-2, S79-6, F80-7, F82-2, F87-2, S87-9 and F87-6 were incorporated into F87-6), F87-6 [pdf] (Amendment G),

SM-S94-1 [pdf]    (Amendment H),

SM-S99-4 [pdf]  (Amendment I), 

F10-2 [pdf]  (Amendment J), and

S19-2 [pdf]  (Amendment K), 

(Amendment L to S78-7) [pdf]

(Amendment M to S78-7) [pdf]

S78-6 [pdf] Guidelines for CEU (Continuing Education Unit) Courses  
F77-2 [pdf] The Continuing Education Unit (CEU)  
F77-1 [pdf] Requirements for a Second Master's Degree; Graduate Degrees  
S77-8 [pdf] Transferability of Credit by Examination  
S77-6 [pdf] Policy on CLEP (College Level Examination Program Modifies S76-2 [pdf]
S76-8 [pdf] Concurrent Enrollment Replaced F71-8 [pdf]
S75-5 [pdf] "Undeclared&Quot; Undergraduate Category Replaced S71-8 [pdf]
F74-7 [pdf] Requirement of Graduate Record Examination (GRE) a Department Option  
S74-8 [pdf] KSJS Radio Station  
S74-2 [pdf] Special Programs for High School Students  
S73-9 [pdf] Continuing Education-Course Standards  
S73-7 [pdf] Office of Faculty and Instructional Development (F71-7, F71-12)  
S73-6 [pdf] University Requirements to Receive Priority Staffing; General Education (GE)  
S73-4 [pdf] Guidelines for Second Baccalaureates Amended by Amendment A to S73-4 [pdf] (originally known as F06-5)
F72-9 [pdf] Assigned Time Senate Officers and Policy Committee Chairs Replaced F71-2 [pdf]
F72-8 [pdf] Grade Distribution Reports  
F72-3 [pdf] Discontinuation of the ringing of bells at the beginning and end of class periods  
F71-15 [pdf] All Programs of Continuing Education will Be Transferred to the Dean of Educational Services  
S71-7 [pdf] SURROGATES (substitutes) for ex-officio members of Academic Council committees  
F70-6 [pdf] Changes in "President's Directive Regarding Use of State college buildings & Grounds" Policy S69-33  

F70-5 [pdf]


Banked Time Memo from Burns on Banked Time [pdf]
F70-4 [pdf] Resolution supporting the concept of a "Center for Study of Contemporary Issues"  
F70-3 [pdf] Commendation of Hobert W. Burns  
S70-12 [pdf] Acute Accent (é) placed on the "E"; of San José in all Written Communication Amended by S73-21 [pdf]

S70-5 [pdf]


Use or Possession of Alcohol Beverages on School Grounds, see also S02-5  
F69-18 [pdf] Lowering of the Flag  
F69-12 [pdf] Prohibition of Classified Research; Academic Freedom  
S69-25 [pdf] Minimum number of Upper Division Units for Bachelor's Degree  
S69-18 [pdf] Acquisition, Possession and use of Firearms on San Jose State University Properties  
F68-25 [pdf] Evaluation and Transfer of Credit ; Recognition of Outside Degrees  
F68-20 [pdf] Admission of high School Students in Summer Sessions  
F68-9 [pdf] Maximum number of Junior College Transfer Units Allowed  
F68-4 [pdf] F.M. Radio Station  
S67-31 [pdf] Standards for Awarding Academic Credit: Faculty Appointment at 菠菜网lol正规平台; Discipline Specific Expertise of Faculty; Catalog Publication of course  
S67-2 [pdf] Guidelines for Individual Studies (180) and Special Studies (196)

Amendment A to S67-2 [pdf]


F66-13 [pdf] Prohibition of Double-Numbering of Course; Lower Division/Upper Division Differentiation  
S66-20 [pdf] Students' Record, Control of Information Contained in Records  
S66-15 [pdf] Foreign degrees, request for study of equivalent to U.S. degrees & interim procedure for SJS until study is completed  
S66-12 [pdf] Transfer credit for extension and correspondence courses